How to Partake in Liquidity Provisions for USD+ on Polygon

Why Provide Liquidity for USD+

‘Liquidity Provisions’ is an immensely popular concept in DeFi. In return for using their tokens to provide liquidity, users earn transaction fees and gauge pool rewards (if offered). However, this model is further improved via USD+ as on top of usual rewards, users can earn yields from USD+ as well. To sum it up, providing liquidity for USD+ would earn you the following:

  1. Yields from USD+
  2. Transactions fees
  3. Gauge Pool rewards (if any)

Getting into the midst of it

To add liquidity for USD+, you must have the two tokens that you intend to provide liquidity for in equal proportions. For example, to LP for $100 worth on the USDC/USD+ pair, you’d need $50 in USD+ & USDC each, respectively. Choose the pair depending on your desirability while taking into account risk & rewards (you may incur Impermanent Losses). However, since USD+ is pegged to USDC via its collateralization, there would be minimal IL.

  1. How to buy USD+ via fiat
  2. How to buy USD+ if you already have cryptocurrency

Providing Liquidity on Dystopia

Once you have the two tokens in equal proportions, head on over to Dystopia’s liquidity page and enter your desired amount that you’d like to LP for. Keep in mind that there are a number of USD+ pairs.

  • At the time of depositing into the pair, the pool was unbalanced. However, arbitrages would restore the balance to comprise the ratio of 1 USDC = 1 USD+. Doing so would consequently have your USD+ balance in the LP equalling USDC. No need to panic though, this is normal. For more information on how liquidity pools for USD+ operate, refer to this article.
  • Only the stable pool is incentivized (avoid the volatile pool).
  • We’d recommend using the default slippage of 2%.
  • We’d recommend using “Deposit & Stake” as it would deposit your LP tokens directly into the gauge pool to earn DYST tokens if/when they are emitted for the pair.

Providing Liquidity on Quickswap

The process of providing liquidity on Quickswap is fairly similar to that of Dystopia and you’ll also need tokens in equal proportions here. As of currently, there are only 2 Liquidity Pairs for USD+ on Quickswap: wETH/USD+ & wMATIC/USD+. While none of them are currently incentivized via reward tokens, our upcoming Rewards Program would change that and allow our users to earn pre-OVN (our governance token) at generous APYs.

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