USD+ in Liquidity Pools: How the Magic of Arbitrage Rebalances Pools to Maintain a Stringent Peg & Ratio

Mechanics for USD+ in Liquidity Pools

Since the Liquidity Pools for USD+ also receive APYs from it, the mechanics of how Yields are passed to Liquidity Providers might be unclear to some users and hence for the purpose of this article, we will be elaborating more on this mechanism in detail.

The Magic of USD+: How do Arbitrages take place for USD+ in Liquidity Pools?

Since arbitrages are a key mechanism for maintaining a strong peg USD+, they are of the utmost essence for our Liquidity Pools. Arbitrages only happen once the pool is unbalanced and the said arbitrage is profitable. In the event that the pool in question has more USDC than USD+ (USD+ being above peg), our arbitrage bots mint USD+ via USDC and sells USD+ in the open market to keep the pool rebalanced. This also applies vice versa when USD+ is below its peg.

USD+, a yield-bearing stablecoin

USD+ is a yield-bearing stablecoin whereby its rewards are financed by its investments in Yield-Farming strategies. Our strategies involve low-risk protocols and the goal is to minimize risk over maximising returns.

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