How to buy USD+ with Fiat

Convert Fiat to Crypto

To convert fiat to crypto, follow this process and then refer to the chain you’d like to buy USD+ at.

  • Step 1Register an account via Coinbase
  • Step 2: Add a payment method and buy USDT
  • Step 3: Now buy AVAX with your USDT
  • Step 4: Create a Metamask wallet (more on this below). You can download the app via Playstore/Applestore or if you’re on a PC, you’ll need to download the extension. Make sure to store the 12-word seed phrase in a safe place, preferably on a piece of paper as without it you won’t be able to access your wallet.
  • Step 5: Refer to the below text in regards to which chain you’d like to buy USD+ on (e.g, refer to “How to buy on Avalanche” if you’d like to buy on Avalanche).

How to set up your wallet

If you don’t have one already, Create a Metamask wallet. You can download the app via Playstore/Applestore or if you’re on a PC, you’ll need to download the extension. Make sure to store the 12-word seed phrase in a safe place, preferably on a piece of paper as without it you won’t be able to access your wallet.

How to Buy on Polygon

Tip: If you have access to an exchange supporting MATIC withdrawals on the Polygon network then you can simply go with that and withdraw to your Metamask wallet. It’s interesting to note that Coinbase albeit supporting MATIC withdrawals, doesn’t support the Polygon mainnet (it supports ERC-20). If you’re in the U.S, chances are you can’t use an exchange that does support Polygon withdrawals. However, fret not, this guide takes you through this hurdle.

  • Step 1: If you use Coinbase, withdraw your purchased AVAX to your wallet via the Avalanche chain. To withdraw your AVAX, you’ll need your wallet’s public address. Your address starts with 0x and can be viewed at the top of Metamask. You’ll need to withdraw AVAX to your copied address.
  • Step 2: If you use an exchange supporting mainnet deposits for MATIC Polygon like Binance, you can simply withdraw MATIC on the Polygon network to your wallet and proceed from Step 5 onwards.
  • For reference purposes, the dashboard for withdrawing AVAX is as per follows — you need to paste your wallet in the “to section.” As far as the “optional message” is concerned, you can ignore that.
  • Step 3: After you’ve sent your funds to your Metamask, you’ll need to add the “Avalanche-C-Chain” to have your AVAX in your wallet reflected. Here’s how to add the network to your Metamask.
  • Open your Metamask and click on the arrow alongside the “Ethereum Mainnet.”
  • Click on “Add Network.”
  • Step 4: After doing so, click on the arrow near the “Ethereum Mainnet” once again and select the “Avalanche Network.” Your AVAX should now be visible in your wallet.
  • Step 5: To purchase USD+, you’ll now need USDC on the Polygon network. Here’s how you can add the polygon network to your wallet:
  • As shown above, click on “Add Network” and enter the following details in your Metamask.
  • Network Name: Polygon
  • New RPC URLhttps://polygon-rpc.com
  • ChainID: 137
  • Symbol: MATIC
  • Block Explorer URL: https://polygonscan.com/
  • Step 6: Now that you have the Polygon network set up, you need to swap your AVAX for USDC to get to Polygon (or if you have Matic on Polygon, you need to swap it for USDC — make sure to leave at least 1 MATIC for gas). You can use Rubic for this purpose.
  • Connect your wallet once again to Rubic’s dApp and select a swap from AVAX on Avalanche to USDC on Polygon and enter your desired swap amount (make sure you’re on the Avalanche network while doing this swap), here’s what this looks like:
  • Now make the above swap, press confirm in your wallet and after a couple of minutes (determined time depends on network congestion), you should have USDC in your wallet.
  • Step 7: Now switch to the Polygon network. You’ll need MATIC for gas fees to perform transactions. Luckily, Polygon has actually made it very easy for you to get started if you don’t have any MATIC but do have other reputable tokens! You can use Polygon’s Gas Swap which you can find here: https://wallet.polygon.technology/gas-swap/
  • Step 8: You’re ready to mint USD+ with your USDC now! USD+ is pegged to USDC at a ratio of 1:1.
  • Head on over to our dApp and enter your desired USDC for minting USD+, then approve your USDC for spending after which you’ll have to do another transaction to mint USD+.
  • Step 9: Behold! You now possess USD+ and are earning an average of 9–10% APY owing to our yield-farming strategies. Simply sit back and relax while our dApp does the rest for you. The profits from our strategies are paid out daily to holders as a rebase — your USD+ holdings grow over time. Additionally, you can cash out your USD+ with the same process at any time (select swap from USD+ to USDC via our dApp).

How to Buy on Avalanche

  • Step 1: Withdraw your purchased AVAX to your wallet via the Avalanche chain. To withdraw your AVAX, you’ll need your wallet’s public address. Your address starts with 0x and can be viewed at the top of Metamask. You’ll need to withdraw AVAX to your copied address.
  • For reference purposes, the dashboard for withdrawing AVAX is as per follows — you need to paste your wallet in the “to section.” As far as the “optional message” is concerned, you can ignore that.
  • Step 3: After you’ve sent your funds to your Metamask, you’ll need to add the “Avalanche-C-Chain” to have your AVAX in your wallet reflected. Here’s how to add the network to your Metamask.
  • Open your Metamask and click on the arrow alongside the “Ethereum Mainnet.”
  • Click on “Add Network.”
  • Step 4: After doing so, click on the arrow near the “Ethereum Mainnet” once again and select the “Avalanche Network.” Your AVAX should now be visible in your wallet.
  • Step 5: Now that you have the Avalanche network set up, you need to swap your AVAX for USDC to be able to mint USD+ (or if you have USDC on Avalanche, you can skip this step) — make sure to leave at least 0.1 AVAX for gas). You can use 1inch for this purpose.
  • Connect your wallet once again to 1inch’s dApp and select a swap from AVAX to USDC and enter your desired swap amount, here’s what this looks like:
  • Now make the above swap, press confirm in your wallet and after a couple of minutes (determined time depends on network congestion), you should have USDC in your wallet.
  • Step 6: You’re ready to mint USD+ with your USDC now! USD+ is pegged to USDC at a ratio of 1:1.
  • Head on over to our dApp and enter your desired USDC for minting USD+, then approve your USDC for spending after which you’ll have to do another transaction to mint USD+.
  • Step 7: Behold! You now possess USD+ and are earning an average of 9–10% APY owing to our yield-farming strategies. Simply sit back and relax while our dApp does the rest for you. The profits from our strategies are paid out daily to holders as a rebase — your USD+ holdings grow over time. Additionally, you can cash out your USD+ with the same process at any time (select swap from USD+ to USDC via our dApp).

How to buy on BNB Chain

Tip: If you have access to an exchange supporting BNB withdrawals on the BNB Chain, then you can simply go with that and withdraw to your Metamask wallet.

  • Step 1: If you use Coinbase, withdraw your purchased AVAX to your wallet via the Avalanche chain. To withdraw your AVAX, you’ll need your wallet’s public address. Your address starts with 0x and can be viewed at the top of Metamask. You’ll need to withdraw AVAX to your copied address.
  • Step 2: If you use an exchange supporting mainnet deposits for BNB like Binance, you can simply withdraw BNB to the BNB Chain to your wallet and proceed from Step 5 onwards. To copy your wallet address, go to your Metamask and on the top, click on this icon.
  • For reference purposes, the dashboard for withdrawing AVAX is as per follows — you need to paste your wallet in the “to section.” As far as the “optional message” is concerned, you can ignore that.
  • Step 3: After you’ve sent your funds to your Metamask, you’ll need to add the “Avalanche-C-Chain” to have your AVAX in your wallet reflected. Here’s how to add the network to your Metamask.
  • Open your Metamask and click on the arrow alongside the “Ethereum Mainnet.”
  • Click on “Add Network.”
  • Step 4: After doing so, click on the arrow near the “Ethereum Mainnet” once again and select the “Avalanche Network.” Your AVAX should now be visible in your wallet.
  • Step 5: To purchase USD+, you’ll now need BUSD on the BNB Chain (please keep in mind that USD+ is pegged to BUSD only on BNB Chain and USDC on other chains). Here’s how you can add the BNB Chain to your wallet:
  • As shown above, click on “Add Network” and enter the following details in your Metamask.
  • Network Name: Smart Chain
  • New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
  • ChainID: 56
  • Symbol: BNB
  • Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
  • Step 6: Now that you have the BNB Chain network set up, you need to swap your AVAX for BUSD to get to Polygon (or if you have BNB on BNB Chain, you need to swap it for BUSD — make sure to leave at least 1 MATIC for gas). You can use Rubic for this purpose.
  • Connect your wallet once again to Rubic’s dApp and select a swap from AVAX on Avalanche to BUSD on the BNB Chain (make sure to save some avax to buy bnb for gas) and enter your desired swap amount (make sure you’re on the Avalanche network while doing this swap), here’s what this looks like:
  • Now make the above swap, press confirm in your wallet and after a couple of minutes (determined time depends on network congestion), you should have BUSD in your wallet.
  • Step 7: Now switch to the BNB Chain network. You’ll need BNB for gas fees to perform transactions. Perform a swap on Rubic to get some BNB with your AVAX, we’d recommend having a minimum of 0.05 BNB.
  • Step 8: You’re ready to mint USD+ with your BUSD now! USD+ is pegged to BUSDat a ratio of 1:1.
  • Head on over to our dApp and enter your desired BUSD for minting USD+, then approve your USDC for spending after which you’ll have to do another transaction to mint USD+.
  • Step 9: Behold! You now possess USD+ and are earning an average of 9–10% APY owing to our yield-farming strategies. Simply sit back and relax while our dApp does the rest for you. The profits from our strategies are paid out daily to holders as a rebase — your USD+ holdings grow over time. Additionally, you can cash out your USD+ with the same process at any time (select swap from USD+ to BUSD via our dApp).

How to buy on Optimism

Tip: If you have access to an exchange supporting ETH withdrawals on the Optimism Chain, then you can simply go with that and withdraw to your Metamask wallet.

  • Step 1: If you use Coinbase, withdraw your purchased AVAX to your wallet via the Avalanche chain. To withdraw your AVAX, you’ll need your wallet’s public address. Your address starts with 0x and can be viewed at the top of Metamask. You’ll need to withdraw AVAX to your copied address.
  • Step 2: If you use an exchange supporting Optimism deposits for ETH like Binance, you can simply withdraw ETH to the Optimism Chain to your wallet and proceed from Step 5 onwards. To copy your wallet address, go to your Metamask and on the top, click on this icon.
  • For reference purposes, the dashboard for withdrawing AVAX is as per follows — you need to paste your wallet in the “to section.” As far as the “optional message” is concerned, you can ignore that.
  • Step 3: After you’ve sent your funds to your Metamask, you’ll need to add the “Avalanche-C-Chain” to have your AVAX in your wallet reflected. Here’s how to add the network to your Metamask.
  • Open your Metamask and click on the arrow alongside the “Ethereum Mainnet.”
  • Click on “Add Network.”
  • Step 4: After doing so, click on the arrow near the “Ethereum Mainnet” once again and select the “Avalanche Network.” Your AVAX should now be visible in your wallet.
  • Step 5: To purchase USD+, you’ll now need USDC on the Optimism chain. Here’s how you can add the Optimism chain to your wallet:
  • As shown above, click on “Add Network” and enter the following details in your Metamask.
  • Network Name: Optimism
  • New RPC URL: https://mainnet.optimism.io
  • Chain ID: 10
  • Currency Symbol: ETH
  • Block Explorer URL: https://optimistic.etherscan.io/
  • Step 6: Now that you have the Optimism network set up, you need to swap your AVAX for USDC to get to Optimism (or if you have ETH on Optimism, you need to swap it for USDC — make sure to leave at least 0.05 MATIC for gas). You can use Rubic for this purpose.
  • Connect your wallet once again to Rubic’s dApp and select a swap from AVAX on Avalanche to USDC on the Optimism (make sure to save some avax to buy eth for gas) and enter your desired swap amount (make sure you’re on the Avalanche network while doing this swap), here’s what this looks like:
  • Now make the above swap, press confirm in your wallet and after a couple of minutes (determined time depends on network congestion), you should have USDC in your wallet.
  • Step 7: Now switch to the Optimism network. You’ll need ETH for gas fees to perform transactions. Perform a swap on Rubic to get some BNB with your AVAX, we’d recommend having a minimum of 0.05 BNB.
  • Step 8: You’re ready to mint USD+ with your USDC now! USD+ is pegged to USDC at a ratio of 1:1.
  • Head on over to our dApp and enter your desired BUSD for minting USD+, then approve your USDC for spending after which you’ll have to do another transaction to mint USD+.
  • Step 9: Behold! You now possess USD+ and are earning an average of 9–10% APY owing to our yield-farming strategies. Simply sit back and relax while our dApp does the rest for you. The profits from our strategies are paid out daily to holders as a rebase — your USD+ holdings grow over time. Additionally, you can cash out your USD+ with the same process at any time (select swap from USD+ to USDC via our dApp).

About Overnight

Overnight is a DeFi protocol behind USD+ stablecoin which is fully collateralised by USDC and USDT; users earn an average of 9–10% APY through its secure and vigorously tested yield-farming strategies with profits paid out daily — it’s sure, simple, liquid and hassle-free.

  • Step 1Register an account via Coinbase
  • Step 2: Add a payment method and buy USDT
  • Step 3: Now buy AVAX with your USDT
  • Step 4: Create a Metamask wallet. You can download the app via Playstore/Applestore or if you’re on a PC, you’ll need to download the extension. Make sure to store the 12-word seed phrase in a safe place, preferably on a piece of paper as without it you won’t be able to access your wallet.
  • Step 5: Withdraw your purchased AVAX to your wallet via the Avalanche chain. To withdraw your AVAX, you’ll need your wallet’s public address. Your address starts with 0x and can be viewed at the top of Metamask. You’ll need to withdraw AVAX to your copied address.
  • For reference purposes, the dashboard for withdrawing AVAX is as per follows — you need to paste your wallet in the “to section.” As far as the “optional message” is concerned, you can ignore that.
  • Step 6: After you’ve sent your funds to your Metamask, you’ll need to add the “Avalanche-C-Chain” to have your AVAX in your wallet reflected. Here’s how to add the network to your Metamask.
  • Open your Metamask and click on the arrow alongside the “Ethereum Mainnet.”
  • Click on “Add Network.”
  • Step 7: After doing so, click on the arrow near the “Ethereum Mainnet” once again and select the “Avalanche Network.” Your AVAX should now be visible in your wallet.
  • Step 8: To purchase USD+, you’ll now need USDC on the Polygon network. Here’s how you can add the polygon network to your wallet:
  • As shown above, click on “Add Network” and enter the following details in your Metamask.
  • Network Name: Polygon
  • New RPC URL: https://polygon-rpc.com
  • ChainID: 137
  • Symbol: MATIC
  • Block Explorer URL: https://polygonscan.com/
  • Step 9: Now that you have the Polygon network set up, you need to swap your AVAX for USDC on Polygon. We’ve integrated Rubic’s all-in-one widget on our website for this purpose and it allows our users to make inter-asset swaps between blockchains.
  • To make this swap, head on over to Overnight, connect your Metamask and you’ll see “Bridge” in the top right corner.
  • Connect your wallet once again to Rubic’s dApp and select a swap from AVAX on Avalanche to USDC on Polygon and enter your desired swap amount (make sure you’re on the Avalanche network while doing this swap), here’s what this looks like:
  • Now make the above swap, press confirm in your wallet and after a couple of minutes (determined time depends on network congestion), you should have USDC in your wallet.
  • Step 10: Now switch to the Polygon network. You’ll need MATIC for gas fees to perform transactions. Luckily, Polygon has actually made it very easy for you to get started if you don’t have any MATIC but do have other reputable tokens! You can use Polygon’s Gas Swap which you can find here: https://wallet.polygon.technology/gas-swap/
  • Step 11: You’re ready to mint USD+ with your USDC now! USD+ is pegged to USDC at a ratio of 1:1.
  • Head on over to our dApp and enter your desired USDC for minting USD+, then approve your USDC for spending after which you’ll have to do another transaction to mint USD+.
  • Step 12: Behold! You now possess USD+ and are earning an average of 9–10% APY from our yield-farming strategies. Simply sit back and relax while our dApp does the rest for you. The profits from our strategies are paid out daily to holders as a rebase — your USD+ holdings grow over time. Additionally, you can cash out your USD+ with the same process at any time (select swap from USD+ to USDC via our dApp).

About Overnight

Overnight is a DeFi protocol behind USD+ stablecoin which is fully collateralised by USDC and USDT; users earn an average of 9–10% APY through its secure and vigorously tested yield-farming strategies with profits paid out daily — it’s sure, simple, liquid and hassle-free.

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